Friday, September 4, 2009

The Saxphone

Well today Brianna has started to learn her first musical instrument, THE SAXOPHONE.
She was so excited this morning, she got all her music stuff into her bag and we had no problems getting ready for school this morning. Well we get to school and what did she forget her music book the silly goose.
Just after lunch she had her first lesson and after she got over her nerves she did pretty good, she is already playing hot cross buns.(i'm sure i will hate it soon enough lol). She did 40 minutes of practice already this afternoon and has already broken her first reed.
So it's been pretty loud here might have to invest in some earplugs lol.
Now just to tell her when she wakes up early not to start playing her saxophone.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

1st Birthday

Digidesignresort it having there first birthday this weekend so come celebrate with us all, there are challenges, freebies, and lots of specials in our store. Also rembember to sign up for our newsletter too. So what are you waiting for come over and join in the fun.

Also in hounor of our first birthday our designers have put together this huge Make a wish collab

Available here

And a page by me using this fantastic kit

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another Day lol

I am so exhausted this week. Last week was so busy and i have still not recovered. I had sick kids, school, soccer, exercising, Toy sale at Target Tuckshop Duty, Party Organisizing then the Party (20 five yr olds is very tiring lol.) Then the Multicultural festival which was great fun too.Plus every night Emmy was up all night with her asthma.

I got the last toys I wanted from target that i couldn't get from the BigW and Kmart toy Sales, I got Brianna a ripstick Emmy her Leappad reading system and a Portable DVD Player for both of them to share, and of course my cheeky little Emmy along with my sister Threw in a Dora Castle and Some Hannah Montanna stuff for Brianna. My sister went home yesterday and the kids already miss her (me too) Now i have to cook dinner again ROFL.

So hopefully this week is slower and not so tiring and maybe I can get some scrapping done I haven't had much spare time for it lately.

Well I have another great Kit for you today it's called Patchwork by Julaender Designs it's such a gorgeous kit with so many possibilities.
You can get it @ ,
don't forget to join our forum join in on the challenges,
and sign up for our newsletter.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Getting There

The weightloss is going great I have now lost 7.3kg almost half way. I am feeling great, my clothes are getting looser and people have started noticing which always makes you feel great. I am enjoying exercise now too (something I never thought i'd say lol), Have been doing lots of walking and still using the exercise equipment in town. It also gives me a bit of me time without any kids which is good, Gotta enjoy me time.

Have been so busy lately just doing the usual mummy stuff there always seems to be something going on, and all my exercise too. We have just finished 2 weeks of school holidays 4 days we spent down at the beach which was fantastic I always love going there, so easy to relax. Brianna has also had her sports day at school and got age champion again this year So proud of her.
She also just had the smalls schools sports carnival and got a first and second in her races. It was a bloody freezing day too and really windy and of course I ended up with a damn Cold Sore.
Yesterday my sister went and saw the latest Harry Potter Movie It was fantastic I really enjoyed it and the 3 hours went really Quick, I only jump once not because it was scarey tho cause it was really bloody loud lol, I can't wait to see the next one.

Anyway I have a really Gorgeous Kit to share with you today it is called
Best memories by Adelina Biswas Available at a great kit for scrapping all your old photo's and even your new ones too

A few pages from me

Friday, May 29, 2009

Couple of new Kits

Well I had my first weigh in this week and i wasn't really expecting much at all. So hopped on the scales a JC expecting to be the same or have put on some but i was 72kgs So i had Lost 1.5kg in the first week. WOOHOO. I was so shocked. I have been sticking to the menu and staying strong for almost 2 weeks now, haven't caved once yet, and honestly it has been easier than i thought it would be. Still having trouble adjusting to the increase in food but i will get there. I have also increased my exercise this week. I have been to the showgrounds in town and used there exercise equipment there 3 time this week, Am a bit sore at the moment LOL, but will get back into again next week as well.
Second weigh in will be on Monday and am hoping to have lost another Kilo for the week.

Well i have been working with another 2 gorgeous kits this month at

First is a beautiful kit by Aquarius designs Called
Spring has Sprung
Available here

A couple of LO's i created using this beautiful kit

The 2nd kit Once upon a Fairytale by Incognito Designz is perfect for making your fantasy pages
available here

A couple of my LO's

Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter over at Digidesignresort It is always full of goodies and regular freebies

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's Wednesday

Yes it's Wednesday lol

So i have finally decided to lose that extra weight I gained since having Emily. So on Monday I went to Jenny Craig so that was the the first hurdle and one of the hardest out of the way, Got all the information It was fantastic. I wasn't looking forward to be weighed that was a bit scary. I thought i would be 80+kgs, so I hopped on the scales and i was 73.5 woohoo. Not as much to lose now. Anyway my goal weight is 53kg. So in total i have 20.5kg to lose and i am so looking forward to it, I want to get back to the old me with a few extras thrown in.

I am on day 2 of my diet and i think i am doing well, It's a little bit hard especially yesterday smelling hot pies up the street, from my favourite bakery, mum bought a hot chook which made the car smell delicous lol, and then made yummy biscuits when we got home, all was so tempting but i stayed strong. I am so not used to eating so much food tho and I was feeling a bit sick by the end of the day, but i know i will get used to it and the end result will be worth it.

Anyway enough of that for now
here's a LO i did from the Collab Natural Breeze Don't forget to grab it free from Digidesignresort while you still can
See my post below for details.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The "Natural Breeze" Collaboration Kit is now FREE in store At DigidesignResort for the whole week. How Fantastic is That, You just need to go there use you 'coupon code' and grab it while you can. Also don't forget to sign up for our newsletter, check out the Store and Grab some other goodies while you are there.

I almost forgot the coupon code so you can get this Fantastic Kit, Well here it is

Coupon Code: "enjoy!"

So Head over to the Shop At DigiDesignResort now