Monday, November 3, 2008

National Scrapbooking Day

Well the last few days i have been downloading freebies like crazy lol, I still am. There are so many freebies and massives sales around because of NSD and while i can't really afford to buy any kits i have certainly been taking advantage of all the freebies and can't wait to start using them. There are so many talented ladies out there.
A wonderful friend has also started making her own freebies to give away you can find them at Alicias Designs at
she also creates some fantastic pages as weIl.
I also have also been getting some wonderful freebies from sunshine girls and orchard girls they curently have there trick or teat blog train running you just start at the there blogs and start following all the links to get all the parts to the massive kit. They also have some great sales on too. You view there blogs here

Well i haven't been doing to much lately it's been really quite and uneventful here. Brianna had her Soccer Presentation last week. All her team got a trophy and certificate, she was so proud and very excited she had a wonderful day and can't wait for soccer to start up again next year. And we are still waiting for it to rain it is so dry here our tanks are just about empty well one is empty and the other is almost empty so tomorrow while we are in town we will have to go order some water to be delivered in the next day or 2. And just keep our fingers crossed that it rains really soon.

Here are some scraps i have been doing lately

This one I made using some word art from Alicia Designs




1 comment:

MrsCullenized said...

♥ Thanks for the shout out hun!! ♥ Your pages are great! (as always)